The Handy Products and Accessories We Always Keep in Our Cars

Accessories We Always Keep in Our Cars

Have you ever looked inside your car and lamented over how easy it is to accumulate a collection of random items? It can often be overwhelming how quickly your vehicle takes on the role of a secondary storage area. However, the tendency to keep things in your car doesn’t always have to be avoided. It is possible to make some judicious choices in what ends up in there so that you only have the most necessary items at any given time.


The primary difference in what things you keep in your car is their importance. This classification is what separates clutter from necessities. Additionally, one aspect that drives the distinction of whether something is important is its effect on your driving. So you should ask yourself whether the things in your car help make you a safer driver or are they necessary in case of emergencies.


With those questions in mind, here are some of the handy products and accessories you can keep in your car.


Phone Mount


While most modern vehicles come equipped with navigation consoles, their useability is not always a given. This difference stems from various reasons. So, those who still drive older model cars or cannot access their in-built GPS can benefit from installing a phone mount. This device will hold your phone for you so that you gain hands-free capabilities. As a result, you can use your mobile phone for navigation or a music console that requires no active monitoring.


USB Charging Cables


These days, phone use is ubiquitous. Therefore, you can’t always be sure that your battery will maintain sufficient charge throughout the day. Consequently, having the means to charge your device while you drive is essential and convenient. So, consider always keeping some USB charging cables handy in your car.


Hydraulic Jack


If you take good and proper care of your vehicle, then you can be sure that you have the right tools to perform a tyre change if the need arises. However, it may also be beneficial to consider adding on a hydraulic jack in this case. This tool makes it easier to lift your car and switch out a flat tyre. Beyond ease and convenience, having a hydraulic jack is cheaper than relying on roadside assistance services for anything other than the direst emergencies.


Blind Spot Mirror


Like phone mounts, blind spot mirrors are a convenient add-on. Again, most modern vehicles come fitted with additional features like blind-spot-object indicators and lane change assist technology. However, these features usually come at an extra cost, so it may be cheaper to opt for aftermarket accessories like blind spot mirrors.


Blind-spot mirrors are crucial in helping you detect any vehicles or objects within your vehicle’s blind spots- mainly when you are performing a lane change or preparing to make a turn. As such, they are effective driver safety additions to any car.


Blankets/Emergency Kits


Having a blanket in your car can serve numerous purposes. From the mundane upholstery protection against pet dander to the more critical life-saving function if you find yourself stuck on the side of the road and must wait a while before rescue.

In addition to a blanket, it is also advisable to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle. Maintaining a stock of medical supplies and other basic equipment can make all the difference in times of emergencies.


So, take the time to consider what products and equipment you keep in your car. Separating the handy from the unnecessary will help you remain a safe driver and prepare for any eventualities.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.

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