Outdoor Expo Display Tips


It’s about to get crazy if you’re in the events and exhibition business. Yes, that’s right, it’s heating up, the festival season is upon us and outdoor events will be plentiful. You should be getting your outdoor expo kit ready to roll out for this season.

Outdoor expos are a great way to gain exposure for your business and display set up is your first impression to the public – so it needs to be in tip-top condition and in correct order to ensure you engage potential customers in a positive light.

The setup of your display has the ability to draw people in and showcase your business the right way. In this post, we will discuss some ideas that will give you the edge over your competition when it comes to outdoor display setups and designs.

Multimedia Displays

We live in a visual culture that is attracted to devices and screens. If you look around in the street you will be hard pressed to find someone that isn’t gazing at some form of screen, usually their mobile phones. Incorporating multimedia into your outdoor display will engage your audience and can be used to attract attention and provide valuable information about your products and services. Screens are not the only thing to consider, though.

Pump Up the Volume

To drive traffic to your stall don’t be afraid to crank the tunes. Would you rather walk into an expo display with smiling faces with staff who are bopping to the music or would you rather walk into an expo stall that had a man in a button-down white shirt sitting behind a fold up table with a clipboard in front of him, clicking his pen waiting to sign you up to his latest offerings? The obvious choice is the first one, right? You might need to check with the organisers first if the music is ok. Usually, this is fine, even encouraged, as long as you’re too loud or detracting attention from the main event.

Your Display Kit

Your display should contain a portable gazebo or cover of some description. Then you need a media wall for the back of your stall with your brand and message in big bold lettering. At outdoor events, portable pull up banners are your best friend. They can be used in many ways. I like to have at least four of varying sizes and I use them to direct traffic into the stall and also steer attention towards the media wall or multimedia display. The reason I use the portable pull up banners of varying sizes is that it creates depth and adds colour and vibrancy to the display. They are also good for relaying information that might good for your potential clients.

Plan Your Set Up

Planning your set up will give you the upper hand when it comes to standing out from your competitors. Plan your display in a holistic manner, the whole display should mesh well together and be an inviting space for people to enter. Let’s just say that your logo is three colors. A good idea is to use multiple portable banners to display each color. This will give your display an edge and add more depth. Find out how much space you have to work with and cater your display set up to fill that area while allowing space for the public to freely roam in and out as curiosity gets the best of them.


Having something to give passers-by such as a water bottle or goody bag will get your brand name out there, as people will be roaming around the event carrying an item with your logo on it. It’s pretty much free roaming advertising. Of course, in Summer, hats are a great giveaway to get the word out about your brand as people will be wearing them around. Water bottles are another good giveaway because everybody needs to stay hydrated.

Charging Stations and Chill Out Zones

Give people a reason to come into your display by providing them with space to chill out. It doesn’t take much. All they need is some shade and a few bean bags or chairs. A charging station is a big bonus and will keep them sticking around for longer. This will immediately show the brand in a positive light to the public, as you are offering them something for free without expecting anything in return and next time they need a service you offer your brand will be positively fresh in their minds.

Let’s face it! It’s not rocket science and I’m sure you’ve been to events and seen the difference between an engaging stall that piques your interest and a stall that you probably didn’t even know was there. All it takes is a little creativity, the right equipment, an inviting space, and friendly staff and your brand will be beaming light years ahead of the competition.

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About the Author: Bayazid Bostami

As a professional blogger he always tries to contribute to the online community and sharing ideas to the people.

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